Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Importance of Effective Communication

The ability to communicate effectively is essential in sharing ideas and visions with people. No matter how brilliant one's idea is, it is worthless unless it can be communicated effectively. For this reason, I believe that effective communication is an essential skill that everyone should pick up. Without communication, there is no way one can express thoughts, ideas and feelings.

Good communication is the key to a good relationship. If we communicate well with people in our lives, we are able to better understand their needs and wants. Being a part time swim coach teaching young children, I have experience communicating differently with various audience such as parents, kids and other fellow swim coaches. Each group requiring a unique form of communication. With kids, I would have to keep my instructions short, simple and concise. With parents, my tone of communication has to be different. With my fellow swim coaches, I can be informal. 

Moving forward, I would like to learn how to effectively organise my thoughts and express my ideas accurately to others. As a future civil engineer (I think), I would have to communicate with various departments consisting of fellow engineers, architects and clients. We cannot be fully effective in our jobs if we are poor listeners, speakers and writers. Not being able to communicate well would impede the project at hand.

Effective communication is something that I continue to strive for and struggle with. For that reason, I hope to make the best of my journey in ES2007S.